The moon

The Moon is the only known natural satellite of the Earth. The moon rotates slowly and completes one turn on its axis in 27 days. 7hours, and 43minutes. The spots on moon surface as seen from the earth are craters and basins which are formed by meteorite’s impact. The moon does not have any atmosphere, so there is no weather as we find on the earth. The moon does not produce its own light, but looks bright because it reflects light from the sun.
He lunar phase changes as the Moon revolves around the earth and different portions of its surface are illuminated by the Sun. change in the shape of the moon arises from its changing position in relation to the Earth. The given figures show the phases of the Moon. The interval between one full Moon and the next is about 29.5 days. All the phases of the Moon have special names which indicate how much of the illuminated Moon can be seen from the Earth, and whether this part is going to grow or shrink.